BSAT Airport Security Training
BSAT Airport Security Training (BSAT)
Overview - BSAT Airport Security Training
Basic Security Awareness Training (BSAT) is the minimum aviation security training that any airport employee will need to be issued with an Airport Identification Card (AIC) and thus, unescorted access to the Security Restricted Area (SRA). This course is created and delivered by our Irish Aviation Authority Certified Aviation Security Instructor – Allan Whyte (CIN 38) and delivered by our approved Aviation Security Training Organisation (Butterfly Training ASTO).
Note: there will be additional theoretical, practical and on the job training requirements for most roles within an airport and your employer will ensure that you have the required training before commencing your position.
Course Code: BSAT-IE-V20
Prerequisites: A good understanding of English, also, either a standard or enhanced background check will need to have been successfully returned before training can be completed. (The Security Manager within each regulated entity will decide what level of background check is required as per the trainees role).
Syllabi: This training is designed using the mandatory syllabus as set out the Irish National Civil Aviation Security Programme and meets the requirements of the European Commission EC n° 300/2008 and in particular Article from EU n°2015/1998.
- ONLINE Theoretical Course
- On-line registration – € 30
- English
Target Group
All air transport industry personnel
Course Outline - Basic Security Awareness Training (BSAT)
- Previous acts of unlawful interference with civil aviation, terrorist acts and current threats
- The relevant International and National legal requirements
- The objectives and organisation of aviation security here in the Republic of Ireland, including the obligations and responsibilities of persons implementing security controls
- The configuration of Screening Checkpoint and the Screening Process
- Airport Identification Cards used at the airport
- Insider Threat, Radicalisation, Security Culture and CyberSecurity Risks.
- Threat Reporting procedures
- Your ability to respond appropriately to security related incidents
Final Test
All trainees need to pass a final exam in order to complete the security course.The minimum pass grade is 85%. If a trainee fails for the first time, he/she will be given a second attempt at the exam. If a trainee fails twice, he/she will have to retake the entire course.
Certificate - Basic Security Awareness Training (BSAT)
Once the trainee has passed the final exam, they will be provided with an e-Certificate that can be printed. The certificate is then valid for 3 years.
If you want to know more, send an e mail to [email protected] and we can schedule a call to discuss your compliance requirements.
You can also read more about GSAT in this article
Find out more about the ID card application process here

We also have other air cargo security modules that might also be of interest to the Secure Supply Chain community:
- Insider Threat, Security Culture, Radicalisation and Just Culture training.
- Consignment Security Declaration (C.S.D.) training.
- E.U. Database training.
- PLACI training.
- 11.2.7 – General Security Awareness Training for Cargo and Mail agents (for staff who do not need to complete the full training).
- Air Cargo Security for Drivers training.