Artificial Intelligence
Virtual instructor
Further improve each learning experience and integrate the power of A.I. into our training online environments
Papillon, your virtual instructor, is accessible at any time
Drawing on our experience and always eager to implement innovative solutions, we launched our Papillon ChatBot equipped with artificial intelligence.
The learner experience is enhanced by intuitive access to A.I. throughout their training course to test and validate their knowledge.

Our Chatbot accesses the generative semantic search engine in real time
Semantic search: knowledge-based references and training documentation using Large Language Model (LLM) integration
Augmented generative response RAG: Retrieval Augmented Generation
Accessible at any time
Contextual conversation on the subject matter of training
Instant chatbot response
Evaluation of responses
Human moderation by our instructors specialised by subject
Focuses training and assessment activities
Better and deeper subject understanding for learners
Real Time Knowledge-base accessibility
Improvement of learner’s on the job skills
Enhanced benefits for day-to-day operations
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