SeMS – Security Management Systems

SeMS – Security Management System (SeMS)

Regulated Entities in the Republic of Ireland are going to be required to be SeMS compliant by the end of September 2021.

So, what is SeMS?

A Security Management System (SeMS) provides an entity with a framework of operating principles and guidance which enable it to enhance it’s aviation security performance by proactively managing risks, threats, and areas where there are gaps and vulnerabilities which may have a negative impact on that performance.

The principles of SeMS are simple, each entity will be able to assess it’s own security compliance and instead of focusing on purely meeting the baseline standard they should be in a position to foresee emerging threats and respond competently in advance.

SeMS is a global initiative across the Aviation Industry and is being heavily pushed by both the International Air Transport Association (IATA) and locally by the Irish Aviation Authority (IAA), as an Irish Aviation Authority approved ASTO we are always keen to discuss how our experts can help your organisation to gain certification or improve your aviation security standards.

SeMS is:

Implementing SeMS

We believe the implementation of SeMS is straightforward:

Contact us today at [email protected] to start your SeMS journey.

training certification